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extraction and citations.
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matters most—your clients and cases.

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Right now, it takes over 60 seconds on average to copy, paste, and cite text from a PDF.
With LexSelect, it takes less than 5 seconds.
Precisely select the text you want and eliminate the frustrations of PDF.
Copy and paste text from any PDF document without needing to adjust the styling.
Fully customizable citations are automatically generated when you copy text into your working document.
Easily upload and analyze your documents directly within Microsoft Word using our convenient add-in.
Automated citations ensure precision, removing the risk of human error and the time consuming tasks of reviewing citations.

Lightyears ahead of existing workflows.

Wasting valuable time and risking errors with manual formatting and citations.

Extract and cite text with one click.

Wasting valuable time and risking errors with manual formatting and citations.

Extract and cite text with one click.
How LexSelect works.
Quick Document Upload
Upload various document types or formats. In seconds, your documents are analyzed and ready for review.

Effortless Text Selection
Select only on the text you want. LexSelect significantly improves the experience of selecting an extracting text from PDF.

No reformatting and automatic citations
Paste your flawlessly styled text and auto-generate the citation—no editing or reviewing required.
The affidavit of Kelsey Black, attached hereto as Exhibit A, provides a detailed account of the incident. Kelsey Black observed the Defendant driving while distracted by a cellphone, leading to the collision. In an email exchange dated June 15, 2023, Richard Roe confirmed the extent of the damage and the subsequent steps he intended to take. Specifically, Richard Roe stated:
I will assess the damage when I get home this evning and contact my insurance company
Affadavit of Kelsay Blac|
“I will assess the damage when I get home this
evening and contact my insurance company…”
Exhibit A to Affidavit of Kelsey Black filed
June 12, 2019.
“I will assess the damage when I get home this
evening and contact my insurance company…”
Exhibit A to Affidavit of Kelsey Black filed
June 12, 2019.
Legal Argument Under the doctrine of negligence, the Defendant owed a duty of care to the Plaintiff to operate her vehicle in a safe and attentive manner. By failing to do so, the Defendant breached this duty, resulting in damage to the Plaintiff's property. The evidence, including the eyewitness testimony of Kelsey Black and the Defendant's own actions, clearly establishes this breach.
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